It was nicely windy in the morning, enough for my wind chimes to spread their sweet music. Only last week I had untangled it, because it had got tangled up very badly. Had to do it very patiently so as to not to break the strings.
Today while listening to it chime, i remembered the way I had to untangle it, and this in turn made me remember a very delicate gold chain I had gifted my wife during our courtship days. It was so delicate and thin, that every time during storage, it used to get entangled badly, and I had to work on it with a needle to set it right.
Relations are also like this. Very complicated and if they get entangled the wrong way, can break. One needs patience to untangle the strings of relationship slowly, one by one, to ensure that they are not broken. Fast or rash acts can only lead to damage which may or may not be irreversible.
So very true.. You never know what breaks a relationship and how long it takes to mend this. If you are unlucky enough, it may just take your entire life.