Friday, June 12, 2009

The poor mans holiday dilemma

Sometimes sitting at the barbers shop is an experience by itself. Yesterday while having an haircut, the barbers were talking amongst themselves about taking a holiday. The person who was intending to take a holiday was in a dilemma whether he should be taking a holiday or no. He had some relatives from his native place, who had come to Mumbai, and were asking him for a tour.

This fellow wanted to take them along, but his problem was a particular calculation. He was saying, he earns 100 rupees per day. Plus 100 rupees in tips. That's 200 rupees. So he will be losing out on 200 rupees. What followed further was more calculative. He said, even though the relatives will contribute during the tour, his minimum expenses will be 200 rupees. So a total outflow of 400 rupees.

Though I really don't know what was finally decided, but it has certainly made me think of the calculations. A poor mans holiday dilemma…..Sad but true……

1 comment:

  1. And we sometimes dont even think while spending thousands on a single night out.... the world is so different if we were to see it from another's perspective.
