Monday, June 22, 2009

Just a thought…

Khushi hurt herself when she fell down in the bathroom. We rushed her to the doctor, where she received stitches on her chin. The best part is the next day she was back to her mischief. We are more on tenterhooks because of her. Khushi don't do this, Khushi don't do that. Khushi don't touch this. But she is the least concerned.

We as parents are over concerned no doubt, but in their playfulness, children tend to forget things more faster than us. We elders tend to sit over our pain for more than 24 hours, while children tend to get back to their games immediately.

Similar is our nature when we interact with people. If we fight with them, we tend to stretch the matters endlessly, while children tend to forget their fights and start playing immediately. But then weren't we the same when we were kids. Didn't we used to forget about our fights with other kids and start playing immediately. So why do we extend our fights now. People tend not to talk to their blood relations till death.

As elders we will always say, children are not mature enough to understand life. But what is the use of our maturity if the relations are kept sour. I feel we were better off as children.


  1. Oh yes, we were definitely more humane as children... I hope she has got better now.

  2. she is better...
    humane...immature...childish...whatever, but childhood is so pure and beautiful....wish i could become a child again...
