Mumbai Police has issued diktats that the new year celebrations have to be wound up by 12.30 am. No boat parties, and if there are parties, then they revelers will be allowed to return back only broad daylight. Couples caught by Mumbai Police will be "seperated" by the Mumbai Police. Though how they will be "seperated" is not clear. Similarly, parties in Dubai have suffered a setback with Sheikh Mohammad announcing that people should support Palestine. Many people who were expecting to make money during the recession by hosting parties, will now suffer another setback. At the most the sales which will pick up are of alcohol which will flow in private parties. One more advantage will be of less number of drunken driving's and accidents in Mumbai for sure. And ofcourse, the shameful incidence of J W Marriott, at Juhu last year. People having such ideas on spur of a moment will hopefully be wary of enacting it again.
Regarding Dubai, there is more to be seen in this, it is more or less a very open support for Palestine and a signal to Israel, that someone is against them.
Some of the actions taken by the various governments are commendable. The action by Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait to cancel all public display of New Year celebrations in support of Palestine, despite the money that would have flown within the market is commendable. The action by Mumbai Police, can be debated either way. Good to have minimal incidents, bad for people who seriously go out just for a good time. Either way, a commendable action from different countries, both in their own ways, that we have had enough nonsense and we can mean business.. A bit of a shame though that it is a rare minority who often are the cause of this.