I have got this habit of being ahead in a crowd. Of trying to be the spokesperson. In school I have been a monitor for so many years. In my college, I have been active in the elections for a few years. Now in my building, I have been the Secretary for almost 5 years. It is out of interest if nothing else. But with responsibility comes certain rules. With responsibility comes times, when you have to be outspoken, when you have to inform somebody that certain things cannot be run in certain ways. And in doing so, somewhere maybe I have hurt some feelings. I hold nothing against anybody ever. I always end the matter there and then and forget about it. But it seems some people don't. And now they have got a point against me. A point, which even they know,when confronted with against 40 members, wont be supported, but when taken as per law is wrong. The point is that I am not a owner of the flat and law does not permit a non-owner to contest elections or hold post in the managing committee. A law which if followed properly thru document again allows the person to contest the elections and hold a post. But then its for fresh elections. And as per the said law it does not allow me to remain in the post. I am not post hungry. No. What is bugging me is the 5 years I have given to my building have gone down in a drain for a few people. The time I could have spent with my family, I have wasted for such stupid people. Others are in support, but then when the word LAW comes ahead, I would not like them to fall in trouble. I love working for my building. I would love to continue for the people who have placed their trust in me. Who like me were ignorant of such a law. But they are also helpless now when confronted with such technicalities. It is said that you speak a truth , chances are few will listen to you. Your shout a lie on the rooftop, and people will listen. This is what is happening. Voices are being raised and practicality is being lost. Constructive work is being ignored and we are wasting our time on foolish fights and points. I have no other option, but to put in my papers. But after resigning, frankly I doubt, I would ever like to work again in the society infested by such leaches. I do regret that the leaches are far too less, and good people are many. But the bite of these leaches is always painful.
Frankly the fighter in me still wants to stand up and fight. But.......
Finally got defeated by technicalities. Those interested in siding me also were stumped by pure technical hitches. My head wants to fight, my heart says, end it and just get out of this work. Still the tussle has not ended inside me....