Saturday, May 3, 2008

One more year

So, celebrating one more year of life. Here i would like to share an interesting topic I had heard on a very Intelligent and saintly persons birthday. He says, he was never interested in celebrating birthdays. He says, if you keep a parrot in a Gold Cage, laden with diamonds, feed him the best of nuts, the parrot will still try to break the cage and fly away. Even Humans are similar to parrots, they will have everything, still they are not satisfied. Something inside them is still not happy. Humans get acquire everything, but there is some satisfaction which is still lacking. It is not want for more, it is our soul which is not happy. Our souls are like the parrot, wanting to leave our body and fly away to God. It is trapped in our body. It is atma(soul), which wants to meet Parmatma(GOD). With each birthday our souls keep on getting happy, because, now it has got one year less to approach God. It has gone closer to meeting God. So we should be happy and celebrate our birthdays, because our soul is getting happy.

Though it is good to hear, I still feel, before my atma goes and meets Parmatma, I have to fulfill certain duties. And till then I have to keep my soul in this cage called body. Sorry God, sorry soul, I will not be happy to make your union so early. Let me fulfill my duties, then I have no objections.

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