Thursday, April 18, 2013

The potted plant

Was watering the plants today morning…and once again my attention went to the Christmas tree which is now standing tall at around 8 ft…many times in the past have blogged about it…then my attention went on to the other plants…. being lucky to have a terrace of my own…have time and again re-potted them into bigger flower pots..and they have grown…but then…their growth again gets restricted because of the size of the pot. It also reminded me of a saying…a seed which falls near its tree will never grow tall, unless it starts growing at a distance where it has more space, away from the parental tree.

Kids are similar. Their development is restricted if the environment they grow up in is restricted. Even they should be let free…free to seek other pastures….your nurturing is important no doubt…but the more they seek…they more they develop mentally, which is always helpful to them. Dont restrict them in a small pot, while they have the entire world to grow in…

Just a thought…so decided to save it in this blog Smile

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