There is an old saying in Hindi….”Pair itne hi failane chahiye jitni chaddar ho”, to which lately I am hearing a retort….”To kya….hum chaddar badalkar badi chaddar odh lenge”.
Not a bad idea, but then one needs to spend extra dough on the “badi chaddar” and also maintaining that “chaddar”
The point being…while you are being asked to live within your means, think wisely before putting your money in something which will increase your expense. It is easier to say we can do it….but implementing it in the right way and coming out of the mess is very important, you shouldnt be digging a grave so deep that you die in it.
I have always said, people wear masks, and why not, how many people would be interested in seeing your troubled faces daily. A smiling face to fight off the current situation is always good. But then when that Mask becomes a Lie, when you start using that Mask as a shield for influencing, or gaining certain favors, it is time to stop.
Time is a big turner, it can change without you even knowing it. But to tide over that time, during financial difficulties, is very important. That is where the saying comes in. The length of your bedsheet can change with time…when times are tougher deal with your expenses accordingly, when times are better, deal with your expenses but at the same time remembering that you cannot predict your future.
Just random thoughts today, which I am not sure a reader might agree or not…but nevertheless…posting it on the blog…..
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