Yesterday turned out to be very interesting day. At around 10 am my factory worker excitedly called me inside the factory area….Quick bring your mobile and click the photos of an owl who has entered in the factory he said. When I reached there, I found two empty cans of 50kgs had fallen off from the overhead loft(the owl did this said my man). The owl had now hid itself below our big vessel. I clicked a few snaps and then asked my people to scare it out of the window. But instead of going towards the window, it ran into another machine. We opened the door of the machine to find it neatly hidden there. From there we managed to make it go upto not one but three windows. But it was just not ready to go out. The reason of which dawned on us soon. A lot of crows had accumulated outside the window now. We were now aware that if we let it out, then the crows would surely peck it to death. Slowly we made the owl reach one of our office rooms, the doors of which we closed once it was inside. We were able to see thru the glass doors, that the owl was now sitting on the window ledge, (the glass pane of the window was closed), while the crows were pecking at the glass trying to get to it.
My brother called up the Animal Hospital at Parel, from where he got a few other numbers. But mostly we got the reply that they did not have the facility to take it away. In the meanwhile our habit of posting every bit of our life on facebook started a series of comments and phone calls. Some people were informing us its auspicious, while others were informing us its bad. Whatever the case, the thoughts in my mind were to get it out safe.
By afternoon a new issue cropped up in the office. There was a lot of chirping sound in our office bathroom loft. We were now worried …what if the owl has given kids over there. Finally one person climbed up the loft to only confirm that they are pigeon kids.
Thru net, we got numbers of BNHS, who informed us that they have already been informed, but were not able to help us out, and PAWS. From there, I was asked to leave the bird out only in the evening, since that is when the owl would be able to see and fly away. The dilemma was , that my office shuts down at 5 pm. sun down normally is at 7 nowadays. We got a cardboard box, punched holes on all sides and then with the help of one labour put the owl in the box.
I took it our residence. In the evening all the kids of our building had accumulated on our terrace to see the release. On opening the box, it just gave a two second stare and flew off as if nothing has happened.
And Oh yes…my wife did some research in the night, and found that the Owl is the mode of transportation of Goddess Laxmi in the night. In the morning she uses Elephant. So it is supposed to be auspicious:)))
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