I am bugged at the way, all of a sudden, Amitabh Bachchan, Arindam Chaudari(who made some flop movie) are commenting on it. Arindam has in his blog stated that the movie is receiving undue mileage because it has been directed by a foreign director. How much of his MBA degree helped in salvaging his movie Rok Sako to Rok Lo, is there for the general public to judge. First he should look at what kind of movie he had made, before commenting on the movie.
Regarding the child actors not being paid, it has been clarified by the director that a fund has been set up 1 year back to the tune of 25 lacs for each child actor. Anil Kapoor has given his entire earnings from this film to an NGO for these children. Just by crying foul, have Amitabh Bachchan and Arindam Chaudari fulfilled their commitments towards India? Has Amitabh Bachchan while negotiating crores of rupees for the next film with Karan Johar even thought of giving it to the betterment of slums? Infact, he claimed exemptions from the income he gained while hosting for KBC, on the grounds that this particular income was because he had become a quiz master, thereby not paying a single penny by way of Income tax. A great actor he may be, but I would say, Sunil Dutt, Nargis Dutt and the likes are more greater than him, even if they were not termed as super stars