Saturday, October 19, 2019

Samsung Fold

Been quite a while since I have written a blog. And what better way of starting again than expressing my views about the new Samsung Fold. 

Have been a proud user of Nokia E90 Communicator phone and was heartbroken when I had to sell it off in 2009.. yes its been 10 years. Since then have been waiting for Nokia to come out with another flagship phone like the Communicator..but sadly Nokia itself went downhill.

Technology wise there was stagnancy in the phones...only bigger screens...better screens...bigger battery...better battery life...thinner phones... curved screen(which lost its use after certain time that you wondered why the screen was curved in the first place)... software changes...UI changes...but nothing of note.

Then came cameras...suddenly phones had Selfie cameras...and then two cameras...three cameras...

But still no major technology shift. 

And then came Samsung Fold. I dont want to get in what happened during its initial release. I just jumped at the first opportunity of pre-booking the phone without seeing it physically when it was released again. 

The phone came in yesterday.. and lets say... I was disappointed when I folded the screen for the first time. Over the years we are used to bigger screens...and here suddenly you have small screen ... my fat thumbs can hardly type over the keyboard ...which I am amazed they have been able to adjust in such a small screen... and herein lies the technology... you dont feel that the keyboard is bad visually.. you need to get accustomed to it. 

Folded...the phone brought back memories of carrying the chunky phones of yore...and even my favorite E90 Communicator. 

When open its like a normal tablet...but then knowing that I am using a tablet which can be folded is what gives me a high. A tablet which I can fold and pocket. The clarity is good... the touch is not as jelly like as I had feared by reading the earlier feels quite sturdy. Transition from front screen to inner screen...and vice versa is smooth. With the kind of specs the phone has it is fast.

Yes I am extra cautious as of now while handling the inner screen... but lets see how it turns out in the future. 

If you want my opinion about buying this phone... I would say.. if you are ok with small outer screen.. and want convenience of a phone and a tablet in one gadget.... go for it...