Talent is not just hunted it is being killed.
Those who enroll might be picked to be a part in upcoming Movie song… thus reads a banner for dance class for summer vacation.
Nowadays parents want their wards to come on tv, to come in movies….we did not get a chance, but can fulfill our dreams thru our kids…this is the mentality.
Kids are being shunted from class to class during school time as well as in vacations. From Sports…to Dance…to Drama…..the kids should be good in all….with a hope that one day they will be selected in a reality show on Tv or get a break in a movie.
Go to any shopping mall, you will find young boys and girls from some media company, swooping down on parents and kids, like vultures. And parents fall for the trap, have portfolios clicked.
Some make it….some dont….but the point is are kids really interested. I see a lot of kids crying on tv shows, just because they are not selected….kids below 10 years…what do they understand about all this. I would blame the parents for misleading them…for misguiding them… yes I use these words….
The parents in search of talent in their kids are killing their childhood….Talent is not just being hunted…it is being murdered…being killed…..