Monday, August 27, 2012

Credit where it is due??

You get credit for what you finish, not what you start.

Nice line, its also true. Half baked efforts are remembered by none. I dont agree fully with the above line though. How many times you do start something…and also finish ….but someone else takes the credit.

Take for example a bridge or flyover….the number of people from labours to engineers who work on it….but in the end the Stone laid for inauguration will bear the names Politicians.

A cook prepares the mouthwatering dishes in a restaurant…but one remembers only the Waiter who served you nicely.

A team effort in preparing a Presentation is always overshadowed by the person who runs the presentation in front of others

How many times one hears of efforts put by a certain person in preparing dishes for a house party…but in the end…other members who serve the dishes are remembered and complimented( i know the waiter line might sound similar)

Behind every successful Name are a number of unknown names, who have also worked hard, but other than monetary compensation(which in many cases is not there) never get the fame they deserve.

There are many who do acknowledge that there has been a team effort…there are some who purposely take the entire credit….while there are more than that number who always remain silent when credit is been given to them alone…thus leading to Silent is Consent kind of thing and taking the credit.

PS : The credit for the thoughts behind this post goes to a friend who had posted the “You get credit for what you finish, not what you start.” on his facebook status

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whom to follow…

Nowadays I often tell my friends to start a twitter account. Some do…but then they feel lost over there….their next question is whom to follow?!?!?

Now every person has got an individual choice of celebrity to chose from be it movie, tv or sport. Somehow I refrain from advising on whom to follow because of this very reason. I personally prefer following mostly non celebrity twitters…who tweet about their day to day thoughts…no its voyeurism for sure….but I prefer it that way.

Celebrities….they can be categorized into

PR Celebrities : Their tweets appear only when they are launching a particular movie or product. Otherwise you will find them missing for long periods. If the movie is a hit, they will be there for another few days….if its a flop…they just disappear…only to resurface on the next launch

Showoff Celebrities : They tweet about everything…about the script …about the roles…about their car…about their shoes…about their watches….about their vacations….its like reading a movie magazine for free. Then there are celebrities who will put of photos of what they have worn …….. or what they have not worn!!! The latter have a lot of followers to be frank…more for such photos……

Social Celebrities : They will protest about everything….from the poor dog who has come down under some unknown Indians car …. to page 3 parties being cut short by the police. They will compare their high society problems with the 3rd world problems and complain about it ….

Genuine Celebrities : These are the best to follow….they enjoy tweeting….tweet like normal people do…about their thoughts…about other issues..about their movies or products too but in a subtle way(they have every right to )…they voice their opinion…and also respond back…unlike the first three categories…which respond back to only those tweets which are in their favor….

Twitter Celebrities : These are common people like everybody….and they are the best to follow….they have a knack of tweeting….and can be fun to follow too….Follow them…blindly!!!

I would say…just start following people whose tweets you find comfortable to read…you will get the knack of it…

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ek Tha Tiger...Ek Thi Kat

A RAW agent and ISI agent fall in love....excellent plot for a movie...but then Ek Tha Tiger bores u with the love story..there is no action between Salman Khan and Katrina...which seriously would have been more fun...a la Mr and Mrs Smith

To be frank Katrina kicking Salmans ass would have been the highlight of the movie.

But no...half of the movie is about a Tiger turning into a Tom Cat for Kat.

There is no confrontation between the two agents of the two countries who are always trying to pull each other down.

A spy had its moments. Like the time both Salman and Katrina are running from the Cuban Police as well as their own agencies...unfortunately the movie makers instead of capitalising on such action preferred to bore me with a love story...

The name of the movie is very apt...Ek Tha ab karta hai ...meow meow ..for Kat...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pay and frown

Mumbai…a city which heavily depends on BEST buses and its local trains….a city which cribs that these facilities are overcrowded, not comfortable….a city which has on several occasions been given a chance to travel in style…but no…I would say that these new modes of transport did not fail…Mumbai failed.

From private intercity A/c buses to AC cool cabs….everything has failed in Mumbai. For one Mumbaikarrs know just to crib about being overcharged and at the same time ready to pay and frown in the overcrowded buses and trains.

These private buses and cool cabs were not supported by our Government also. Our Government itself is incapable of providing quality services and when private players try to venture in, they are not helped by providing parking lots and even stops for them.

Pass from under any Mumbai flyover and you will find these buses and cabs rotting away, already having eroded the funds of the entrepreneurs who thought Mumbai could have better services and in turn they could earn from it.

Many might argue that Cool Cabs are still running, well they are , but looking at how they are maintained nowadays says a lot about cost cutting to me atleast.

We want services…we want them at dirt cheap rates…and would even prefer to have them cheap….

Having said that…I know people will use the Monorail and Metro…they will Pay but frown…..